
Mark Your Calendar

Dates and venues for our Spring Concerts have been finalized. Stop by our upcoming events page for more information!


We are sending out a great big THANK YOU to all of you who came to our winter concert: “All I Want for Christmas is…BELLS!” Remember that on our website (sonoranbells.org) you can make a donation, purchase CDs, or sign up for our “Email Newsletter” which will notify you of future concerts.


Auditions are approaching! If you are interested in joining Sonoran Bells as a performer, please mark your calendars for August 23rd at 6:30pm. For more information and directions to the location, please contact Shannon Casey, Artistic Director. More details about becoming a member and the audition process are found on our “Membership & Auditions” page.


Thanks to everyone who attended our spring concerts: “On Screen and Stage.” Remember that on our our website (sonoranbells.org) you can make a donation, purchase CDs, or sign up for our “Email Newsletter” which will notify you about future concerts. Here are some “behind the scenes” pictures. [metaslider id=684]